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Multiplying Decimals: 5th Grade

While teaching this lesson, I was in my internship at Stanley Elementary. For this lesson, I taught the students how to multiply decimals together. I told each student to get out a piece of paper, and then I did example problems out of the workbook. I taught them how to multiply decimals by 10, 100, and 1000. I started out by teaching them how to do it, and then I would do a problem and pick a student to answer and if they answered a question correctly I would give them a piece of candy.

The Earth's Axis: 5th Grade


For the time I was observing at Stanley Elementary, the fifth grade class was learning about the earth's axis in science class. I had them watch a Science Court video, and then after we went through the video questions. Before my lesson, I made an earth out of construction paper and brought in a flashlight. After the Science Court video, I demonstrated with my paper earth and a flashlight how the tilt of the earth's axis makes the seasons. 

Explaining the Earth's Axis: 5th Grade

Although this lesson is similar to the previous one, this lesson has a completely different objective. I showed the students a Science Court video, and then we went through the video questions. For my lesson plan, I brought in a ball that looked like the earth and a flashlight. I threw the ball around to them and passed them the flashlight so they could show me their understanding of direct and indirect rays.

Telling Time by the Half an Hour: 1st Grade

For this lesson, I was in a first grade class at Stanley Elementary. My lesson plan was to teach them how to tell time by the half of an hour. For this, we watched an Envision Math video for 13.3, and then we did a magazine. I went through the first few pages of the magazine with them, and then I had them do the rest on their own. when they were finished, I told them to come and show me and if they did it right, I gave them a piece of candy.

Describing Equal Parts of a Shape: 1st Grade

This lesson was about teaching the kids how to describe equal parts of a shape. For this lesson, I also went through the Envision Math video on the smart board for 16.2. After we went through the video, I passed out the 16.2 magazines to them. I went through the first page of the magazine with them, and then I had them do the rest by themselves so they could try to do the problems without any help. After that, I had the students come up and show me that they have done each problem correctly and I collected it. Then, I told them to get out their soft math packet for more practice and I went over that with them. Then I told them to get out their quick check packets to see if they fully understood the concept. I asked the students questions on the quick check and if they raised their hands and answered the questions, I gave them a sticker of their choice.

Identifying Halves and Fourths of Circles and Rectangles: 1st Grade

For this lesson, I also went through the Envision Math video for 16.3 with my students, which was about identifying half circles and rectangles. After we went through the video, I passed out the 16.3 magazines to them, which were practice problems based on the video. I went through the first page of the magazine with the students, and then I had them do the rest by themselves and I offered them my help if they needed it. After that, I had the students come up and show me that they had done each problem correctly and I collected it. Then, I told them to get out their soft math packet and I went over that with them, which were more practice problems. I asked the students if they could tell me the answer to each problem in their soft math packet and if they raised their hands and answered the problem correctly, I will let them come pick out of my treasure box. My treasure box contained bouncy balls, slinkys, beads, bracelets, fake teeth, and much more.

Family History Timeline- 1st Grade

For this lesson, I had my students make a timeline of their family history. The night before, I had them go home and talk to their parents about their family history and have them get important dates (parent's wedding day, grandma's birthday, etc.). Then, I had my student's pick the most important person in their life and I had them make a Fakebook about that person. Next, I had them make a timeline on Glogster of important dates in their family's history. The next day, I had my students present their timeline to the class so I knew that they understood what a timeline was.

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