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Philosophy of Education

Teaching is like riding on a Ferris wheel. When you are at the very top, it is often a beautiful view, and when you are at the bottom, it is very hard to see that beautiful view. With teaching, there will be good days and bad days. Some days teachers will feel like they are at the top of the Ferris wheel and nothing could bring them down. But other days things will go badly, and that beautiful view will disappear. But no matter if they are at the top or the bottom, the ride will always be worthwhile because teachers will be impacting student's lives and setting them up for success in their future. Being a teacher will not always be a fun experience, but they just have to learn how to get through tough times and overcome obstacles. Although teaching is tough, it is worth it. Teachers are constantly learning things from their students and their co-workers every day. Being a teacher does come with a lot of responsibility and can often be one of the hardest things that someone will ever have to do, but the learning experience and the relationship that teachers make with their students all becomes worth it in the end. I absolutely love kids. They are the reason that I have such a strong passion for teaching. Whenever I work with kids, it feels right. I want to be able to change their lives in one way or another, and what better way to do that than to be a teacher. Being a student, I know how important it is to get a good education. Without an education, most people would not be successful in life. Being successful in life is one of the most important things to me and I believe that every single person in this world should have the opportunity to be successful. Being a teacher in the future is what I have wanted to do since I was a little girl, and I couldn’t be more excited to influence the lives of children.

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